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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

New resources available for A Life at Work

Before the start of their e-course, Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Moore beginning February 11, 2008, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat have posted a review, excerpt and interview about Thomas Moore's newest book, A Life at Work on their Spirituality and Practice site:

Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat of Thomas Moore's
A Life at Work

Broadway Books
ISBN: 9780767922524

Excerpt about mystery and work from A Life at Work
"A life work is nothing less than the mystery of who we are. It can't be equated with a job or a career. It isn't just an emotion, nor is it an illusion. It is of the greatest importance for feeling complete and tranquil. Yet it is impossible to define and control."

Interview with Thomas Moore about A Life at Work
Frederic Brussat asks Moore about "spiritual practices we can each use to go deeper in our own quests for our life's work."

The Barque sidebar shows Moore's current travel plans for his author tour.

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